

ACMG Secondary Findings 3.0

As of October 1, 2021, the Genome-wide Sequencing Ontario program will update the list of genes analyzed for secondary findings, as recommended by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG v3.0, Miller et al. 2021, PMID 34012068). Our revised list of medically actionable in childhood secondary findings genes will consist of 64 [...]

Sample Collection via Community Phlebotomy Clinics

LifeLabs does not offer sample collection for genome-wide sequencing (GWS) performed through the GSO pilot project. We recommend that samples for patients and their family members be collected at the provider's institutional laboratory when possible or at a community phlebotomy clinic other than LifeLabs. If patients and family members need [...]

GSO CHEO Catchment Information Session

Genome-wide Sequencing Ontario (GSO) Pilot Implementation Project - CHEO Catchment Information Session held on March 9, 2021