GSO draws expertise from a dedicated and experienced team from SickKids and CHEO:

The GSO team consists of:

  • Clinical Geneticists
  • Clinical Laboratory Directors
  • Genetic Counsellors
  • Bioinformaticians
  • Genome Analysts
  • Scientists in Health Services Research, Economic Evaluation, and Implementation Science
  • Data Managers
  • Laboratory

Program Leads

Martin Somerville
Martin SomervillePhD, FCCMG, FACMG, ErCLG
Dr. Somerville is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto, and the Head of the Division of Genome Diagnostics in the Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine at SickKids.
Kym Boycott
Kym BoycottMD, PhD, FRCPC, FCCMG
Dr. Boycott is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa in Canada, where she is a Clinical Geneticist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Chair of the Department of Genetics, and a Senior Scientist at the CHEO Research Institute.

Clinical Leads

Roberto Mendoza-Londono
Roberto Mendoza-LondonoMD, MSc, FCCMG, FRCPC
Dr. Mendoza-Londono is an Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto. He is the Division Head of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics and is the Co-Director of the Translational Genomics node of the Precision Child Health initiative at SickKids.
Sarah Sawyer
Sarah SawyerMD, PhD, FCCMG, FRCPC
Dr. Sawyer is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa in Canada, where she is a Clinical Geneticist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), and an Investigator at the CHEO Research Institute.

Laboratory Leads

Christian R. Marshall
Christian R. MarshallPhD, FCCMG, DABMGG
Dr. Marshall is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the Division of Genome Diagnostics at SickKids, and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology.
Jim Stavropoulos
Jim StavropoulosPhD, FCCMG
Dr. Stavropoulos is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the Division of Genome Diagnostics at SickKids, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto.
Lijia Huang
Dr. Huang is a Clinical Molecular Geneticist currently working in the Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory at CHEO. She is also an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Ottawa.
Mélanie Beaulieu Bergeron
Mélanie Beaulieu BergeronPhD, FCCMG
Dr. Beaulieu Bergeron is an Associate Head of the Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory at CHEO, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Ottawa.

Evaluation Leads

Robin Hayeems
Robin HayeemsScM, PhD
Dr. Hayeems is a Scientist in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences program at SickKids Research Institute and an Associate Professor at University of Toronto Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.
Wendy J. Ungar
Wendy J. UngarMSc, PhD
Dr. Ungar is a Senior Scientist in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences program at SickKids Research Institute, a Professor at the University of Toronto Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, and an Affiliate Scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).

Project Management Team

Meredith Gillespie
Meredith GillespieMSc CGC CCGC
Ms. Gillespie is a Genetic counsellor and project coordinator with the Genome-wide Sequencing Ontario and Care4Rare-SOLVE programs, and provides clinical genetic counselling for the General Genetics program at CHEO. 
Anna Szuto
Anna SzutoMSc, CCGC
Ms. Szuto is the Program Manager of Translational Genomics node of SickKids’ Precision Child Health initiative, a genetic counsellor the Division of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics, and is a Lecturer for the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto 
Caitlin Chisholm
Caitlin ChisholmMSc CGC
Ms. Chisholm is the laboratory genetic counsellor team lead at CHEO and is an Adjunct Professor in the McGill University Department of Human Genetics. 


SickKids CHEO
Lynette Lau
Wilson Sung
Jennifer Keating
Anna Pan
Diana Matviychuk
Tamara Braid
Niri Carroll
Ted Higginbotham
Meredith Curtis
Viji Venkataramanan
Genome Diagnostics Lab Staff
Magda Price
Sean Simko
Jean McGowan-Jordan
Liz Sinclair Bourque
Sue Aucoin
Gabrielle Mettler
Genetics Diagnostic Lab Staff